O Anna Niemus - 18 Behind Jade Ivy walls, Scarlet Blood Of Innocents

2014-10-29 5

Behind the jade ivy of Princeton, Harvard. Yale,
Cornell, Oxford, Cambridge
lie pools of scarlet blood of innocents.

Princeton's Robert George is trying to defeat Obama...
but not trying to end the mass abortions known as war.
.. not trying to end Princeton primate torture

Primates can complete intelligence tests which severely retarded humans

To Robert George: Most of the world opposes partial birth abortion.
But you do not oppose the bombing of babies in Baghdad
You do not mention McCain's bombing of pregnant women in
a lightbulb factory when he was shot down

Princeton has a long history of racism. Its president Woodrow Wilson
made racist jokes in public before going on to the White House
where he banned all blacks from federal jobs.. before sending
helping kill countless Americans in a capitalist war between the British
and German capitalists.

Harvey Firestone made his stolen money from the backs of the working poor
in Akron Ohio.. they were being paid $5 a day..
When he gave 1 million to the Princeton library instead of the Univ of Akron he said Akron would always
be a milltown... we don't agree

O Anna Niemus
