How do I love thee
Let me count
Wait can't do that
Been done
Shall I tell thee of my love
No, been done too
She walks in beauty like the night
Can't do that either
She is quiet
She moves with the grace of circling gulls
High above the water
Round and round the spikey masts
Her strides are purposeful
Yet filled with the grace of nature
She takes my mind and leads me where we need to go
Not with force but love
She sets a table for kings
I know not where
She finds the fare
But yet it's there
Evening gowns fit her
Yet she spends her days in levis
Cut short against the southern sun
With shirts knotted high under perfect breasts
Fingers and tongue trace lines from chest
To places she knows like her own
And the cares of the day
Are lost in pieces of seconds
She sees the world
Through blue eyes
That have been witness
To more than just the good of life
Yet they are tender and
Filled with hope and love
She is my polaris
My true north
She guides my journey
With truth, and honesty, and love
Most of all
With love
seamus mullins