O Anna Niemus - Definition Of Pro Life

2014-10-29 4

Prolife means no babybombing in Iraq or elsewhere.
Prolife means not to eat animals' murdered corpses called meat.
Prolife means not supporting state murder.. called execution.
Prolife means not killing insects.
Prolife means not harming plants.
There are many human chauvinists who call themselves
prolife but are unconscious about the Divinity Dance in all
beings. Two of the unconscious were Thomas Aquinas
and Augustine, who taught that animals had no souls,
while Francis of Assisi, Anthony of Padua, Clare,
and Mary knew otherwise.


(The above poem is not an opinion either way in the prolife
prochoice debate, for the writer not being omniscient has no
right to judge.

Most of us still kill insects with cars or by purchasing insecticide
sprayed food or in other ways.
Most of us still kill plants.
Yet each day we pray for grace to do better.)

O Anna Niemus
