Francis Duggan - These Horrible People

2014-10-29 2

These horrible people who play their power games
Who on those different to them put their own brand names
They are an insult to the word conservative the word they go by
For to improve themselves as people they do not even try.

Their values are as dead as the dead gift of rhyme
These people who belong to another time
On those they see as different they cast a cold eye
And of a right to a fair go of them try to deny.

The idea of a fair go they cannot embrace
In their pigeon holes for everyone there is a place
They define the borders of us against they
These wealthy holier than thou conservatives of today.

Wealthy in material things but in their hearts so small
They do not believe on a fair go for all
Their darkened souls clouded by ignorance and pride
These instigators of the social divide.

Francis Duggan