Dr John Celes - Conjoined Twins

2014-10-29 17

Our birth is rather rare!
Hasn’t Nature been unfair?
Our bodies fused at points,
We’re babies freak – you stare!

We’re mostly just stillborn!
But, some are born alive;
None know how we are born;
We were called ‘Siamese Twins’!

‘Conjoined Twins’ is better!
Some worked as circus clowns;
Some lived to adolescent age –
A life like in a cage!

Some had two heads and one torso;
Some thoraces, conjoined;
Some were fused back to back;
Why God allows our births?

Thoracopagus; pygopagus;
Dicephalus tetrabrachius:
Some died before their birth;
Some were mere exhibits!

Some were lucky to earn some name;
Some were lucky to get some fame;
But to be born as ‘Conjoined Twins’ –
Oh, what a horrifying shame!

But those were olden days!
There is now improved scope;
The modern world gives hope –
To help us live separate.

Just try to live like us;
Then, you will know our plight;
Something had not been right;
We cannot live and fight!

Yet, life is miserable;
We are a sorry lot;
We live with anguished hearts,
Until we can depart!

Most of us can’t survive;
Yet, some are born alive;
To live for long, we strive;
God allows some to thrive.

So, pray, we shouldn’t be born;
But you kill the unborn,
All hale and hearty kids –
Foul murder, God forbids?

Be humane men, women;
God watches from heaven;
How can you kill children,
Who aren’t deformed like us?

Copyright by Dr John Celes 5-20-2008

Dr John Celes
