Does She know? ...
Does She know how much of my heart She owns?
Does She know how much She hurt me?
Does She know what She did?
Does She know that She still has my heart in his hands?
Does She know She’s always on my mind, never gone?
Does She know that She’s like
the “Ghost of Christmas Past? ”
Always coming unexpectedly.
Does She know how it feels
to see her in the hallway and
long to hug her or kiss her?
Does She know how much I want
to fix whatever it was that
I did that drove her away?
Does She know the reason?
Does She know that there’s
a big hole in my heart where
She’s supposed to be?
Does She know how much
pain I feel when She laughs
with everyone but me?
Does She know how much
my heart gets ripped out each time
I see her with someone else?
Does She know that I still love her?
Does She know that no matter
what She’ll always have a
place in my heart?
Does She know the number of times that I’ve cried for her?
wanted her?
needed her?
Does She know how much I long for her to wrap me in her arms
and tell me that everything’s fine?
Does She know the agony of pretending that everything’s fine,
and that nothing’s changed?
Does She know how much it hurts me
when She avoids me?
when She won’t even look at me?
Does She know how it feels to try and block out the day
that started this whole relationship?
Does She know? ...
Ralph Acosta