Francis Duggan - Your Word Is Your Honour

2014-10-28 18

Your word is your honour your word do not break
And you keep your promise when a promise you make
And though those who go back on their word never feel any shame
Your word and your honour are one of the same.

You may be the wealthiest person in the Town
And your's may be more than a local renown
But if you've been known to go back on your word people of you will say
That person to honour respect does not pay.

Without documented proof your word is useless in a Court of Law
And from that perhaps a conclusion you can draw
That without proof on paper 'twould seem all is lost
And your day in Court to you at a great financial cost.

Still your word is your honour and that's how it should be
And to break your word is dishonourable that's how it seems to me
And those who dishonour their word are those you cannot trust
Since a promise made is seen as sacred to the honest and just.

Francis Duggan