Axiom Wheeler - The Book is You

2014-10-28 4

Do you dare to despair your looks and your hair and feel like no one cares. Why not go get a good book. On the shelf, take a look, in the pages of gray, there’s a story that does tell it all. Like the time when kids died, and their mothers did cry, it’s the story of lifting and fall. A tale of the tales is written inside; I think it’s the story of you.

I can tell that the story says of things I have been through and seen. The book it tells of all the tales you had me believe. HOW COULD YOU BE! SUCH A GIRL! LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUT OF MY LIFE! I know that you lied. GET OUT OF MY LIFE!

NOW I KNOW YOU DON”T CARE! But how could you anyways? I can always tell the ones who will fail me in the end. NOW I KNOW YOU DON”T CARE! Stupid girl, to think the book I talked about was one of happiness. IT”S ABOUT YOU! You stabbed me in the back. NOW I DON’T CARE!

I can tell that the story says of things I have been through and seen. The book it tells of all the tales you had me believe. HOW COULD YOU BE! SUCH A GIRL! LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OUT OF MY LIFE! I know that you lied. GET OUT OF MY LIFE! I’M SERIOUS GO! GET OUT! Goodbye.

(note: all caps and '! ' means scream it.)

Axiom Wheeler