Raman Savithiri - 946. Mother, I love You! There is no other way! 120308

2014-10-28 7

Let people mock at me that I worship just a picture!
Let my heart bulging with devotion accept a puncture!

Let my tears go waste as a monsoon in desert!
Let the years roll fast without bearing any fruit!

Let me remain blind to Your heart-stunning form!
Let me stay deaf to Your mind-melting song!

Let my nose go insensate to Your maternal aroma!
Let my body hold not You as I act in worldly drama!

Let me befall a lunatic incurable in search of Thee!
Let me fall in love with You as in fire leaps a tiny bee!


Let the whole life be spent to gain Your love at least a fraction!
Let the mind become single pointed causing ego-destruction!

I will rise and tell thousand times with voice loud and bold,
There is no other way to live a happy life in this toxic world! 120308

Raman Savithiri
