Christ’s body is His church on earth
Nurtured till free of flaw
Obedient through a second birth
To stand as ne'er before
The eyes, of God have all in sight
That none should ever stray
He shares Salvation’s perfect Light
Revealing Heaven’s Way
The feet yet wandering dusty trails
Fords rivers swift and deep
Still clambers hills, treads rocky dales
To find His Father’s sheep
Within His heart, dwells God’s elite
For which He paid the cost
Shedding a tear with every beat
For every child still lost
His back looks like a furrowed field
So ravaged ripped and torn
All for man that he be healed
And through His blood reborn
His bloody hands He held out wide
Whilst dying on the tree
Beckoning still to come inside
“My love has set you free”
The head that found on earth no rest
That once was crowned with thorn
The flesh that died to pass each test
For this The Christ was born
But now God’s Lamb has come to reign
Through faith we see it’s true
Who trust in Him though yet in pain
Will rise to life anew
Michael P. Johnson