Charles Reginald Simpson - A Mothers Love

2014-10-28 5

For nine months she labours, her baby appears.
She suckles and nurtures and struggles for years.
With love and affection, she helps her child grow
Until the day comes when she has to let go.
He's standing before her, so handsome and tall.
Amongst all the others he's tallest of all.
He goes off to fight, to serve for his faction.
But loses his life - she's told 'Lost in action'
The letter she reads with tears in her eyes.
He's left her for good, no farewells, no goodbyes.
Her hand holds his medal, that's all that there is.
For the lifetime she gave, for her son to have his.
He gave up his life, to give freedom to others,
But nought can compare with the love of all mothers.

Charles Reginald Simpson