Michael Pruchnicki - Sidewalk Ophelia

2014-10-28 1

'Lord, we know what we are
But know not what we may be.'
-HAMLET IV v 41-43

It was a snowy afternoon in February when I saw
her on the sidewalk outside the Palmer House.
I don't know exactly why I paused to speak to her.
Perhaps she reminded me of my long lost sister-
this strange woman in soiled winter parka,
gazing at me with my sister's wild green eyes.

Evidently confused by the encounter,
the woman peers at me in the dusky gloom.

'Tomorrow is Saint Valentine's Day, ' she says.
She extends a gloved hand in greeting,
palm up in a beggar's supplication.

'How about a tuppence for the Old Girl, mate? '

Michael Pruchnicki
