Francis Duggan - We'll Stop In Gilgandra

2014-10-28 1

One hundred K's or maybe more to the next country town
But we will reach Gilgandra before the sun goes down
And we will book a room tonight in the Gilgandra hotel
'Twas tweny bucks six months ago my memory serves me well.

We have travelled more than 500K's and weary from the car
But such a journey in this Land to many doesn't seem far
Five hundred K's is nothing mate the travelled Aussie say
Some people drive to Queensland from Victoria in a day.

But we'll stop in Gilgandra the record we won't chase
And we'll reach the Gold Coast in two days we are not in a race
And we'll eat a hearty counter meal relax and have a beer
And tomorrow night in north New South our journey's end we'll near.

For over six hours we have driven and we only had one break
And why should we drive on through the night and try to stay awake
And though we have many miles to go no deadlines for to keep
And we will stop in Gilgandra for to eat and rest and sleep.

We'll reach Gilgandra by sunset and then call it a day
For South Queensland seems a long way off and many miles away
And we will have a good night's sleep in Gilgandra Hotel
'Twas twenty bucks six months ago my memory serves me well.

Francis Duggan