Twas the night before xmas
And all through the house
Not a child was stirring
Not even our mouse
The stockings we're hung
On the livingroom wall
In hopes that the lottery
In our hands would fall
The cookies, the cakes
All finished with love
All the gifts and presents
Were sent from above
For this year our eyes can truelly see
What christmas means, for them and me
It's about the Love, we share, you see
Not the presents or gifts, not even the tree
We've made it through some trying times
Cancer with the kids, cancer that was mine
But last year was the worst of all
In that burn ward, watching my son fall
Keeping the faith was my only call
Knowing my strength and love would be his all
We sit here now beneath this tree
Thanking God for each other and for being free
Happy Birthday sweet Jesus from us to thee
Thankyou........................ for letting us all SEE
Dedicated to: my sons: my greatest accomplishment
mary catherine