I feel like we are soul mates
Sometimes not
Sometimes I see us happy and in love
Sometimes not
Sometimes I see us with children
Yeah 4 of them mafuckas
Sometimes not
Sometimes I see our courage, ability to take risks, and ambition coming between us
Sometimes not
Sometimes I look at your smile and I cry
Sometimes I wonder why
I’m alone and hurting without you
Sometimes I just want a husband-a family to call my own
Sometimes I feel as if I’m gonna end up a bitter young woman
Sometimes I wonder…..
Sometimes I wonder if my moods will push you away
If my tears will make you stay
If God will make a way
Sometimes I feel your presence
Sometimes not
Sometimes I feel as if no one and nothing can break us
Then I wonder if hip-hop can do it
The poppin’ and lockin’
Even a hip-hop plie’ got me wondering …
Is our love built on a foundation of principals, morals, and understanding?
Is it touched and anointed by God or is it just “there”?
A spectacle for all to see?
We got some decisions to make
Before sometimes becomes always
Then us will be no more
So let’s think, pray, and communicate
Let’s preserve what we have
Let’s preserve what’s beautiful
Let’s preserve our love
Wake up…Come on lover…
We got work to do!
© August 14,2006
Platinum Writers and Publishing
Aaliyah SantiagoJoseph