Brush of a touch,
Hint of a hand
Breath stops
You weren’t supposed to do that.
Room full
Furtive, sideways glance
You catch
Tarantella hearts
Orbit the party
Avoid the pull
Open door
Empty kitchen escape.
Your voice outside
Getting closer
Closer still.
Too close to stop
Heart won’t let legs run.
Behind the door
Face to face
Old times
Matching smiles
Eyes break all the rules.
Same you same me
Same skin
Touching skin
Cathy and Heathcliffe kiss
Did we plan this
all along?
Face the crowd,
Fragmented look
Chasm, void
From lover back to friend
Fragmented look
New line, new sand
False stops
We weren’t supposed to do that.
© Jayne Downing
Jayne Downing