Pretend you’re not camping out
Pretend it’s your way of life
Your home is the wilderness now
Along with two kids and a wife
Your world is filled with enemies
From the Indians to disease
You must live totally off the land
Your worries just never cease
The wagon train is your family too
Your destination is facing west
A life of excitement and dreams
The demons are now your quest
You forge the rivers of the future
You are strong and resilient and brave
You are paving the way for your children
And their lives you now must save
Food is scarce and you pray that
You make it to the next treasured fort
For this is where the people before you
Blazed the trail of an uncertain sort
But of course it’s all a game
And you don’t really have to fret
For you have your precious life
But you will never, ever forget!
Marilyn Lott