Every day when the sun passes by
The edge of the earth or ocean and sky.
Once on each horizon can be seen once a day
When there are no clouds to get in the way.
The sky must be clear through no haze will it show
It’s made by the sky through its prismatic glow.
It happens so quickly a blink blocks its sight
That you must be looking when created by light.
The edge of the earth must be straight and flat
So the sunlight will change as it passes through
The thickest of air that its possible to.
The purest in color of emerald green,
Intense is its aura when it is seen.
Sailors trust it a promise that fair weather will come,
A sign from above for a safe passage home.
For privileged lovers who see it together
It promises good fortune and good luck forever.
One morning a clear sky your way will come,
Be sure to get out early that day,
And see if a green flash will come your way.
I hope you are blessed with the sight you may see,
And marvel at nature in all its glory.
When I was young man I saw it once
Atop my board waiting a good wave to come.
Of its existence I did not know,
But the green flash showed me its elegant glow.
It gave me a blessing I shall not forget;
Of love and good fortune that abides with me yet.
It’s such a beautiful wonderous sight
That I keep on searching the horizon to see
The green flash just once more ‘for I cease to be.
William J. (Skip) Henderson Jr.