Marilyn Lott - The Wheat Harvest Show

2014-10-28 6

It was an enormous green-eyed monster
Shining brightly in the sun
Truly a handsome specimen
And boy, did it get the work done

Chopped and dropped the golden wheat
Right there where it once stood
With an amazing kind of engine
Rotating beneath the green-grass hood

I stood there, completely in wonderment
At all the activity and commotion
A sweet freshness totally filled the air
My eyes welled up with emotion

I was amazed at the expanse of machinery
Designed to take a wide clean swath
I wanted to see every second of it
As it chopped every single strand off

And then there is the drying process
Letting nature bake it in the sun
Once again the machinery rolled
They don’t stop until the work is done

I wanted to watch the entire process
Till it was loaded and ready to go
The most wonderful time of year, I think
Is the breathtaking Wheat Harvest show!

Marilyn Lott