Wes Thompson - Prophets Never Sleep, and Poets Never Dream

2014-10-28 16

When sleeping I lay awake in bed,
While dreamless, time calls to the dead.
The stars drip past a vampire moon,
Horizon sheds the sun too soon.
The more nights held, but never kept-
The more I realize how long I've slept.
Wandering through my waking hours,
A ghost that feeds, and time devours.
What more than chance we have to taste,
Our Hearts, our Heads! We lose, we waste!
Though given every chance to see-
Exactly how we will not be.
Sleep we will, through endless night,
Our lives left lifeless, our words all trite.
For fear or worse we beg to be convinced,
That life was lived! Fate smiled, not winced!
Tonight we sleep, may dreams bless all-
As the world turns, and fate befalls.
Fast awake, all night I will pray,
To stay awake yet another day.

Wes Thompson


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