Bob Gotti - God’s Helping Hand

2014-10-28 3

Let The Lord help you today, to find the path of His favored Way,
God’s Way unto abundant Life, the way above the grief and strife.
The helping hand of The Lord, will intervene when He’s implored,
As men seek God’s helping hand, in ways we cannot understand.

God’s helping hand, full of Grace, can help you any time or place,
When you truly desire to live for Him, in this world of darkened sin.
God wants to lead us in His Light, on a path that is pure and right,
So all men can come to know, that He’s a God who loves them so.

God’s hand above is lifted friend, for pending Judgment in the end,
Judgment that’s not destined for, all those men who love The Lord.
For God’s helping hand truly is, His heavenly guide to earthly bliss,
Anchored in The Savior’s Love, sent from The Spirit of God above.

God’s guidance is available to all, leading to Grace from man’s fall,
Where we can meet at the cross, The One who died for all the lost,
Christ who was pierced for you, so you can seek His Guidance too.
Where from the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ will guide to Eternity.

Jesus Christ who died for all of us, now lives so we can put our trust,
In The One who died for man’s sin, so eternally we can live with Him.
Through God you can be assured, you will find life in Christ our Lord,
For the moment you come to Christ, God shall grant you Eternal Life.

(Copyright ©12/2006)

Bob Gotti