Ting Bang Bong - The Ballad of Ting Bang

2014-10-28 7

I was born
Behind a drum kit
At a comedy club
Called, 'Chuckles.'

It was tough;
It was rough;
Mammy had white knuckles.

As I entered onto the stage,
Mother held drum sticks
Tightly in her hand.
The room was full of comedians
I'll have you understand.

'You have a baby girl, '
Was what the doctor sang,
Then all the comics in the room
Yelled, 'Let's call her Ting Bang! '

Ting Bang is the rim shot sound
Drummers use to punctuate jokes.
It seemed like the thing to say
When surrounded by these folks.

So it was
And so it is
And I won't pass the buck.
Clowns named me Ting Bang
And the title stuck.

Ting Bang Bong
