Kay Barcelon - Chasing Stars... Catching Dreams...

2014-10-28 5

We spend our entire life chasing dreams
It’s either a man that can make us scream
Or the perfect diet that makes us fit and slim

Friends that are loyal and we hope to trust
Or rotten children that will be faithful to us

There is always something we always wanted
And when... we do not get what we hope for
It is always someone else’s fault to blame

But have we ever thought of just being grateful
For the simplest blessing that we wake up with

The life so precious we always almost neglect
To be able to breathe the tax and toll free air
Open our eyes in the mornings and see the sun

The corny music you and I can dance to
Or the half polluted water the desert don’t have
The dandelion that makes our lawn colorful

I would suggest forget the fame and fortune
Let’s forget jealousy, hatred and greed
Because all we really need is right here
Within our minds, our hearts and our souls

Let’s be thankful we have a life to gripe about

Why not wake up and say Hallelujah Life is wonderful! ! !

Kay Barcelon


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