Christopher G. Turner - A New Life Awaits

2014-10-28 2

Day to day, I feel no more
All of my pain is gone
I am dead, dead to you
Can you see me?

All my spirit has gone
Never to return again
Without the feeling
Am I still alive?

The feeling of you there
Of everything we had
Life has ceased for me
What do I have now?

A new life awaits me
I must look forward
The past will haunt me
What is in store for me?

Always remember the past
But never re-live it
One more lesson learned
Do I want to remember?

Every story has a moral
Some don't always see
Negative thoughts come forth
Do you see a moral here?

Let the good outway the bad
Come forth with triumph
For life goes on as it must
Will you join me?

(August 8th,2006)

Christopher G. Turner