Jennie Scheihing - Living Life, Every Step of the Way

2014-10-28 5

Have you ever sang loud and pure
When no one was watching,
When you felt secure?

Have you ever gone out in a storm
To let it wash you clean, safe and warm?
Have you kissed the rain
And hugged the clouds
To let everything free
In the air so loud.

Have you ever climbed a mountain high
Just to feel the wind
And touch the sky?

Have you ever made a friendship so dear to your heart
That you can’t stand to ever be apart?
Have you reached for someone
Who needed you,
Did you help them along
And get them through?

Have you ever been stabbed in the back,
Have you ever seen your future black,
Have you ever had a broken heart,
Have you ever had to hit restart?

Have you pushed as far as you possibly could,
Have you tried to do everything good,
Have you felt the rush of success,
Have you ever been loved, have you done your best?

In life there are things you simply have to do
Good or bad, you need both to get through
Live to the fullest, and never say no
Then you can say, “Yes, I have done everything”
You might get somewhere, you never know.

Jennie Scheihing