David Zvekic - font color='#880000'How Shadows Feel /font

2014-10-28 2

Wherefore these dreams have dug the deepest well,
Beneath earth's sky to drown each day's new break;
A life that lives asleep dies when awake,
But in the lull of night no tears can tell.
Through sleep I've wandered dreams where love seemed real
Against life's loneliness: What hopes within?
To flee the day that dawn brings darkness in:
  For my whole life, I've felt how shadows feel.

I did not know what I was meant to do,
So hid away the day from truth's bright pain
Within a realm of nightlong dreams well known,
But hidden from the light - lost my life too.
  To be with you, my love, and dream again:
  No hiding from the dawn that dreams have shown.

-November 27,2005

David Zvekic
