I used to know
The words
The right words
And they came
Out, freely from
My mouth
Now there’s a
Gap in my lungs
The oxygen that
Passes doesn’t
Function like it
Should and I
Can’t seem to
Think right
Anymore, the
Words float away
From my brain
I can’t grapple
With them, can’t
Find them in the
Myelin that doesn’t
Work anymore
My body used
To sing a song
A song that said
I was living
Because, we all
Sing, sing in our
Hair and eyes and
Mouth and skin
But my body’s
Silent now and I
Can’t hear anything
Anymore, all there is
Is silence because
I think I part of me
Is dead, something
There is not moving
My hearts beats in my
Chest but I cannot
Catch my breath
And now I think
I know what it feels
Like to be dead
Elizabeth Rebel