Holly Heron - Apocalypse

2014-10-28 2

A vision lays beforemine eyes,
And terror strickens me,
A world in flames,
The horsemen rise,
From slumbers deep,
To bring about our end,
Sister fights brother,
Mother just watches,
A joyful glee in her gaze,
War ranges far,
And war ranges near,
Children lie dead in the field of ripe corn,
All others lay sick in their beds,
No matter the cause death doth embrace,
Mother and child alike,
He holds all close to the cold of his bosom,
And sings the lullaby of lives cut short,
His weeping captives rest their heads,
Forget the end was their own cause,
To prove themselves to those before,
All innocence dies,
Before the end has come.

Holly Heron
