john tiong chunghoo - Three Things to Remember

2014-10-28 7

three things to remember
black and white are equal
in the eyes of god
created for his penchance
for diversity
though many would beg to differ
the healthy child who fails to laugh
or smile for two days
shows something has gone wrong
with us, not them
that we are the ones to seek
psychiatric care, not them
the air has turned hotter
from our own negligence
not the vengeance of god
the world would end
on the hands of men, not god
he only acts according to necessity

inspired by

Three Things to Remember
A Robin Redbreast in a cage,
Puts all Heaven in a rage.
A skylark wounded on the wing
Doth make a cherub cease to sing.
He who shall hurt the little wren
Shall never be beloved by men.
William Blake

john tiong chunghoo

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