I once was new and shinny
Made of steel and hardened true
And I sat upon the old shop shelf
Just waiting for my cue
Then along came a new boy, no less
Looking for his brand new toy
To take to his new work shop
Where he could use me with great joy
After every single use from there
He would wipe me down real good
And put me care-fu-ll-y away
Like all good mechanics should
Now over years as time marched on
He slackened off a bit
He did forget to wipe me down
And it felt like I’d been hit
From then it was all downhill
He didn’t wipe me down at all
And even had me lay around
He didn’t listen to my call
Now many years have passed away
I get thrown from here to there
Along with all the other lads
In the toll box if you dare
I’m now all rusty, marked and bent
From my toil and just hard work
But it doesn’t seem to bother him
I’m just another jerk
So I say to all my steely mates
Avoid the spanners life
Its glamour and its packaging
Will only lead you into strife
Don Stratford © 30 / 9 / 2005
Don Stratford