Sometimes when are you busy with life,
busy preoccupied with today and its cares,
does not something or someone you see,
just hit you square in the eye,
make your heart skip a beat,
send chills down your spine,
and take you to a time past,
remind you of a cherished moment,
then all the worlds stop spinning,
and everything comes to a stand still,
no one seems to exist except you,
and you are transported to that time,
relive it in your imagination,
bringing a painful smile to your face,
from savoring every moment of that memory,
making you hope against hope that you could turnback time,
and get transported to that place that brought you alive,
wish that you could stay there forever,
and hang on to that moment as if it were eternity?
well, I had such a moment yesterday,
that took me to a place and reminded me of a face,
not too far from the past,
and left me wondering whether,
can once in a lifetime happen twice?
Stanislaus Solomon