Egal Bohen - Universal Screen

2014-10-28 4

This place in which we live is like a sea,
Of photons, prions, protons, we don’t see
They pass right through us
Just as bullets through the air
Without us ever knowing they are there
Without the merest ruffle of our hair
We pass each day, engrossed and unaware
That the emptyness of space is but a dream
When in fact it is a soup, though all unseen
Of starlight travelling at the speed of light,
Each particle, it’s signature so bright
From super-novas
From four leafed clovers
Flows this energetic stream
Forming structures within molecules
Or flouncing through our follicles
These very special energies
Are gone before they’ve been
Curving back at speed to space
There to support
Our daily dream
The photon fields that form us
On this Universal Screen

Egal Bohen