Linda Harnett - Blinding Light

2014-10-28 11

My life so harsh and hopeless,
And lived in deep despair,
So lost, alone and beaten,
For no one knew me there,

The end so close, foreboding,
Though welcomed by my soul,
I closed my eyes and entered,
The deepest, darkest hole,

I tumbled ever faster,
And moved so swiftly on,
My heart light as a feather,
Now knowing, I was gone,

Despair, I left so far behind,
And happy to be free,
I made my final journey,
To discover who was me,

I left no one to mourn me,
Or stand beside my grave,
No knight in shining armour,
Rode a stallion, strong and brave.

My journey now was at an end,
I’d given up the fight,
I opened up my tear filled eyes,
And saw a blinding light.

I raised my arm to shield them,
And saw a man; stand there,
He seemed a stranger to me,
But one who seemed to care.

He told me I must leave here,
Go back from whence I came,
He said that he would guide me,
But here he must remain.

I woke to songbirds singing,
Sunshine and skies of blue,
My guide he stood beside me,
“Child, we have much work to do”.

Linda Harnett

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