ISIL commits violence on the basis of false hadiths in the same way that the Christian Crusaders misinterpreted the Bible

2014-10-27 26

IS should act in the light of the Qur’an. They will do that when the time comes. They say they have a Muslim leader. They say they follow this person because it is a condition of Islam to have a leader [imam] at their head. They say they know the Mahdi has come. In other words, they are saying that he will not be someone who holds the kind of classic traditional orthodox conceptions of Islam they know and are familiar with. They say he will be different and that they will follow him. They say they are awaiting the appearance of the Mahdi, not his coming. God will bring about the appearance of the Mahdi. He will appear when God tells him to.

- IS say the Mahdi will come from Istanbul.

Adnan Oktar: They already said that Istanbul is the center. They did not know that before. They said they would take Istanbul. Then they accepted the situation when I explained it with the hadiths. They said they would not touch Turkey and Istanbul. Why not? Because the Mahdi is in Turkey. They are absolutely certain of that. They say Istanbul is the center. But IS will remain for a while as the dominant power in the region. All the Sunnis are joining them, but they are doing wrong. But IS’s cruelty is nothing like that of the PKK (a communist separatist terror organization). The wickedness of the PKK stems from them having no religious faith, whereas IS is wicked on the basis of false religious information.

It was the same with the old Christians. They changed and misinterpreted the Bible, and as a result carried out the Crusades. They martyred millions of Muslims. But they did that because their sources misinformed them, not out of cruelty alone. They strayed into a false belief because they believed wrongly. But the wickedness of the PKK derives directly from their godlessness. They are just evil. There is a difference between someone who is misinformed and someone who is purely evil. The difference needs to be properly understood.

- The Crusaders left not a single Muslim in Jerusalem in the 1099 Crusade.

Adnan Oktar: This is why it happened. Because they misconstrued the Bible. It stemmed from misunderstanding the faith. Those people were not devoid of religion or faith, godless and bookless. If only they had known or learned the truth. If they had learned the true love and affection in the Bible, they would have done the right thing. But they did not know them. They regarded killing as an article of faith.

- In your latest book, ‘Bigotry: The Dark Danger,’ you described all their false ideas. You responded to ‘false’ hadiths in the words of the Qur’an. It is a great blessing for them to have such a book. All problems could be resolved if Europe and America were to use this book to educate people.

Adnan Oktar: Look, I have made things incredibly easy. I have gone head to head with the fanatics and exposed all their abnormalities. But in fact they said not a word! IS, for example, is on the path of satan, and the Crusaders were also on that path.

- Aren’t those people awaiting Armageddon now in the same position?

Adnan Oktar: They are also under the influence of satan. What does Armageddon mean? There are only a handful of people in the world. What do you want from them? 'Almost everyone in the world will die,’ they say, ‘Only a handful of people will be left.’ The world has already grown old and turned into junk. What can you do with such a world? They want everywhere to be drowned in blood and everyone to die. Will that satisfy you if it happens? Will that relax you?

In Turkey people misunderstand America’s support [by providing weapons] for the PYD [a communist separatist terror organization]. The PYD imagines it is for its benefit. Yet they think there is need for the PYD for even more blood to be spilled. They intend to meet their need for intense bloodshed by means of the PYD. They use these people like experimental animals. And the PYD fail to realize.

-  People who think along those lines are saying, ‘When the prophet Jesus comes he will do away with these people, so let us kill them first.’ They do not hide it.

Adnan Oktar: Look, everything is quite clear. They say; ‘Let us help the Prophet Jesus and kill them first, so he does not have to tire himself.’ It is as simple as that. And the fools of the PYD believe it. But they first support the strong, and then the weak. When one side grows strong, they then bring the other side to an equivalent position and set them both against one another. Like a see-saw. The see-saw project is being put into action now. They put 100 grams on one side and then 100 grams on the other. They are kind of having fun with the Middle East. And the people of the region are completely fooled and taken in by it. Naïve commentators are fooled in the same way. They do not think deeply.

The secret state in Europe and America has gone crazy with the idea of setting