Baby - Past
You are smallest & the most cutest baby in the world.
You are fragile, perfect than you could ever imagine.
You are now independent by taking your first steps.
You are growing, speaking, walking & talking.
Child - Past
You start school, you are shy.
You make friends.
You share with your friends.
You have your first sleepover with your friends.
Teenager - Present
You start High School/Secondary School.
You lose old friends and gain new friends.
You go though change.
You move house.
You learn to drive.
You own a car.
You become sexually active.
You have your first girlfriend.
You have your first break up.
You have your first drink.
You have your first cigarette.
Adult Hood - Future.
You move out and become independent.
You have a job.
You settle down.
You travel the world.
You become successful.
You teach your children how you were tout by your own parents.
You have to let go of your children and let them go though life just like I have described in the poem.
Retirement - Future.
You grow old with your partner.
You become old and weak.
You have your children family member by your side.
You finale leave this earth and see heaven for what it really is.
Because who know what happened's after death you could live this over and over again.
Billy AstonWright