vince III tamani - Poem 30, Lady Luck's Been A-Visiting.

2014-10-27 9

Poem 30, Lady Luck's Been A-Visiting.
I’m lucky that
Death doesn’t surround me
Everywhere I turn
Like it might’ve in Auschwitz.

I’m lucky that
I am free to be who I am
Proud of my nationality,
Friends, and religion.

I’m lucky that
I’m safe from wars,
Worrying about relatives
Dying on the battlefields
Or of starvation, or of exhaustion.

I’m lucky that
The problems are less
The homelessness, poverty, pain,
Has decreased now.

I’m lucky that
I live in a world
Where everyone,
Regardless of sex, age,
Nationality, religion
Can be free.

vince III tamani