louis rams - The Devil Came Calling

2014-10-27 2


I knew from wince this man did dwell
For he came out of the fires of hell
He tried desperately to pull me in
But he knew he could not win.

For I was always in my LORDS sight
And protected by his guiding light.
He was in search of all lost souls
In which he could grab a hold.

His search is worldwide, and he'll offer
You anything - and that's no lie.
He is here for temptation
To pull you away from salvation.

He has no preference to age or gender
For your soul he hopes you'll surrender
He will take any shape or form
And go where he doesn't belong.

He says the young are vulnerable and easily misled
And he can get into any of their heads.
But if we teach our children about GOD at an early age
there is nothing that he can change.

The devil came calling to see what he could get
And he hasn't found an open door yet.

louis rams


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