Rebel stronghold tightens security ahead of Ukrainian election

2014-10-26 8

As Ukraine prepares for Sunday's parliamentary election...

Officials of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic ramp up security .

Top separatist leader Alexander Zakharchenko congratulates freshly recruited soldiers as they take an oath of allegiance.

But elsewhere in the rebel-held city of Donetsk -- where fighting has persisted despite a ceasefire agreement between the Kiev government and the rebels --

Local residents largely ignore the poll and try to get on with life as best they can.

People line up for free food and tea at one of the city's canteens...

...and go to the theater.

Actress Anna Usova says the show must always go on.

"The theatre lived, lives and will live forever, because art is eternal," she says.

As for the elections, separatists are looking to hold their own on November 3rd.

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