The Arctic ice is disappearing fast, and the changes are the most profound to our planet that humans have ever seen. Help save the Arctic from oil drilling and destructive fishing by inspiring influential people in your community to take a stand and voice their support. Join the global movement and let's start making history.
Wherever you are, think of people with influence in your community or your country. A professor, a priest, a celebrity, even the Prime minister. Your local mayor, an entrepreneur, or an artist. Someone you'd admire. You know who these people are and you can make them listen!
Now - with friends, a local team, or on your own, contact these influencers. Write, call, and perhaps even go and meet them. Use our toolkit to help explain the issue, why they should join the movement and sign the Arctic Declaration.
#ActForArctic at
Greenpeace campaigns to save the Arctic from industrial fishing and oil drilling, and to declare a global sanctuary around the North Pole.