Radical G.NO's Reaction at TVXQ - Wrong Number

2014-10-24 21

And noooow *drums* the second request \^.^/. It is the reaction for TVXQ Wrong Number. Thank you again for requesting, and if you want to see us react to other videos don't be shy, our comment section is open for everybody*huuugs*.

We again hope that you like this video and don't forget to follow us on twitter and like our facebook page! And also for pictures and videos with the band members you can follow leader Gain on her instagram!

Facebook: www.facebook.com/radicalgno
Twitter: www.twitter.com/radicalgno
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cailary

☆A Korean Inspired Dance Group!

Radical G.NO stand for Radical Girls Night Out! Because we are young and we want to party all the time!!


우리는 Radical G.NO!
우리는 행복 당신을 만나게하는!!
우리에게 지원을 제공하십시오!


We are Radical G.NO!
We are happy to meet you guys!
Please give us your support!