Fifa 10-Manager Mode-BSC Young Boys vs FC St. Gallen-Game 20

2014-10-24 21

My 20th game in 1st sesaon in Manager mode as a coach of football team BSC Young Boys in Swiss league

Quick info about 20th game in Swiss league

BSC Young Boys vs FC Thun=1:0 (3points)

4:1:2:1:2 or 4:4:2
G;(GK)v Ballmoos
D:(RB)Unai Medina-(RCB)Sand-(LCB)Burki-(LB)Alex Cruz


Wolfili,Sanogo and Gerndt have been included in #team of month#

Fifa 10-Gameplay settings for Manager mode
Gameplay level:Profesional
Goalkeeper level:Profesional
Half time legnth:2min

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