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In order to preserve the impact of the first impressions for the video, I did this run cold, without any previous verification or test run. This is footage of the very first time I launch iRacing in the DK2.
iRacing was already a DK1 favorite for me and sure enough, the added detail and the absence of presistence issues make the experience just that much more incredible in the DK2! (Or, in this case, extremely credible!)
Notes: A mention of rocketry is made at the beginning. The wrecked rocket in the background is not the one that's been recently flown. The rocket being mentioned is Ikaruga, which had a successful 3 back-to-back flight session. You can watch how that went here:
There's even an analysis of flight #4 here:
Got a BluRay3D player with the YouTube app? Search for " irdk2 " (without the quotes) and this video should show, playable in full color, all-awesome 3D!