Homesick and horrified - Syrian Kurds watch Kobani burn

2014-10-22 23


Homesick refugees from the besieged Syrian town of Kobani have become daily spectators of the fighting, gathering to watch from a Turkish hilltop as U.S-led coaliton

bombs explode and fierce gun battles rage between Islamic State militants and Syrian Kurds.

The advance by the jihadists of Islamic State in northern Syria has driven 180,000 of the area's mostly Kurdish inhabitants to flee into adjoining Turkey.

Some of them come to the border town of Mursitpinar each day to watch the ongoing fight in their home town across the frontier.

"We come here and watch Kobani. Bombs drop in Kobani every minute. We come here everyday because we feel at home here. It feels like we are still in Kobani, in our land," said Mohammed, originally a resident of Kobani.

"We want Kobani to be saved. Our lives are ruined. We lost our lands, our vehicles and our animals. We fled with only the clothes on our backs to save our lives and digni