Most of the Islamic scholar in Iran and other countries affirm that the practices of IS are existing in hadith

2014-10-22 232

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated September  19th, 2014

- IS justified their actions with fabricated hadiths on their websites, just like you said they would.

Adnan Oktar: Of course, I know all those Islamic scholars. Be they in Turkey, Iran, Iraq [it doesn't matter]. Except for a very few of them, those Islamic scholars normally accept the ideology of IS because they also believe in those [fabricated] hadiths. According to those [fabricated hadiths]: ‘Jews will hide behind trees and stones in Israel and the stones and trees will tell us about their whereabouts and say ‘come, there is a Jew behind me. Strike him’. So they believe that trees will talk to them and say ‘Come, I have a Jew hiding behind me’ and that those people would go and kill them.

This is a [fabricated] hadith of violence, a hadith of horror! They act with the mentality of pagans that know of no laws. And they act with the mentality of oppression. Think about it, there is a stone and a hundred Jewish people are hiding behind it. What if a psychopath comes up and says, ‘The stone told me, I heard it just now, the stone told me to kill them all’. And if you ask him where that came from, he would say ‘Don't you know the hadith?’.

The [fake] hadith says that you should kill all of them, regardless of them being women, children or innocent. They will have to kill if they believe in that hadith; this is another name for tyranny…

If you believe that the stone informed you, then the stone can also say ‘There is an Alawite, a Baktashi, a Shia, anyone behind it’.

They claim that the stones talked to them; then why are you so surprised at the logic of IS? IS also says that (according to that hadith), the stones, the desert told us ‘Here is a tyrant, come and kill that’. They claim that they listen to that voice and go and kill people for that.

So they cannot defeat such a pagan system. Only the Qur'an can defeat the pagan system. And the person that will explain the Qur'an in the best way is Hz. Mahdi.  Let the Head of the Religious Affairs Department try. He cannot do it! He is wearing a turban and says that he is Sunni and says that he is an orthodox Sunni. What is left to say after that? If you are an Orthodox Sunni, you are reading the Orthodox Sunni books and follow their rules. Then what do you have to disagree with IS anyway? Both of you believe that the hadith that says Jews hiding behind stones should be killed, is true.

These hadiths say that when there is a Jew behind a stone, don't listen to the laws. Don't listen to your conscience, it doesn't matter if they are innocent or not, or women or children. As long as the stone tells you to do that, you should go and kill them. How can you convince him that what he is doing is wrong, when he says that stones talked to him? They claim that Prophet Mohammed spoke that hadith. They say that the stones told them and they did as necessary. This is what ISIS is thinking at the moment.

Now we are waiting and you have to see the state of the world in a couple of years. Haven’t I said very clearly before that very big things would happen?

It will get even more intense. See 2015, 2016, 2017 and people will shout out loud for a solution. We will all see this happen  together. 

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