7 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About The Evil Dead!

2014-10-21 11

It’s the cult classic that inspired several re-makes, re-dos and sequels, but we’re pretty sure even you midnight-screening superfans out there didn’t know all 7 of these groovy tidbits about the original Evil Dead!

We present you with some little-known behind-the-scenes knowledge that you may not have caught, even on the 84th viewing. And these are just some of the trivia we turned up! If you want to see a follow up video, perhaps involving some info from Army of Darkness, or Evil Dead 2, hit the THUMBS UP!

Come on, you know you want to!

What did you think? Did you know any of these facts already? How many times have you seen the Evil Dead? Would you like to see a follow up video, or one on Evil Dead 2 or Army of Darkness? What other movies would you like to see us talk about in future edition of Things You Didn’t Know?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Movies are a very complicated mess of time, money, people, and strange decisions. Inevitably, in the hodgepodge of life that goes into creating a movie, a few strange and interesting things happen here and there that are rather fascinating little tidbits of information. Every Monday starting in 2014, tune in to Cinefix for lists of things we find out that you (probably) didn't know!