Steenkamp's family "satisfied" with Pistorius jail sentence

2014-10-21 6

Oscar Pistorius leaves Pretoria High Court to begin his five-year prison sentence for culpable homicide.

The South African track star had been found guilty in the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp.

The maximum sentence was 15 years and prosecutors had wanted ten.

But Reeva Steenkamp's parents left the courtroom saying that justice had been done.

BARRY STEENKAMP: "Satisfied yes."

JOURNALIST: "And is this what you were hoping for?"

BARRY STEENKAMP: "Not hoping for, but we are satisfied."

And Pistorius's uncle, Arnold Pistorius told reporters that in his view, the judgement was reasonable.


"Oscar will embrace this opportunity to pay back to society."

THIS is where 27-year-old Pistorius will call home for now.

The notorious Pretoria Central Prison, or C-Max, although the double-amputee will serve his time in the hospital wing.
