butusov - devuhka po gorodu (girl on the street) butusov - девушка по городу english russian subtitles (rus1.net translit)

2014-10-22 56


Devuhka po gorodu hagaet bosikom,
Devuhke dorogu ustupaet svetofor.
Girl walks barefoot through the city,
Girl on the street road traffic gives way.

Sverxu ulybaetsá vozduhnyj postovoj,
Devuhka v otvet emu kivaet golovoj.
Smiling overhead guard in the sky,
The girl answers him with a nod.

A gde-nibud' za gorodom idet vesennij led,
Devuhke navstrehu rasstupaetsá narod.
And somewhere in the country is spring ice,
Girl gives way to meet people.

Devuhka - po Puhkinskoj, na Ligovskij v obxod,
Sledom po kanalu proplyvaet paroxod.
Girl - by Pushkin, on Ligovskij bypass,
Following the canal a steamer sails.

A za oknom mel'kaút dni, Oni, kak vzletnye ogni -
Odni zametny s vysoty, Drugie vovse ne vidny.
And outside the window flashed days They're like runway lights -
Some noticeable from above, others completely not visible.

A na dvore cvetet vesna, Ona v kogo-to vlúblena,
A étot kto-to za oknom Sidit i vidit den' za dnem...
And in the court of spring blooms, She's in love with someone,
And that someone is sitting behind a window and sees day after day ...

Kak devuhka po gorodu hagaet bosikom,
Po skveram i po uliçam porxaet motyl'kom.
As a girl walks barefoot through the city,
By squares and the streets a butterfly flutters.

Devuhka nyráet herez arku naprolet,
Solnçe prigrevaet, serdçe devuhki poet,
Woman dives through the arch long,
The sun warms, the girl's heart sings

Kak za oknom mel'kaút dni, Oni, kak ptiçy, daleki -
Odni vitaút v oblakax, Drugie vovse ne vidny.
As the window glimpses days They like birds far away-
One head in the clouds, the other not visible at all.

A na dvore çvetet vesna, Ona v kogo-to vlúblena,
A étot kto-to za oknom Sidit i vidit den' za dnem...
And in the court of spring blooms, She's in love with someone,
And that someone is sitting behind a window and sees day after day ...
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