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In this video I'm going to share with you the leading astaxanthin advantages and what this substance really is. Astxanthin is a carotenoid and this means that it gives fruits and vegetables their colorful appearance. Do you know why eating colorful plants is so helpful? It's because they have antioxidants. Professor Denham Harmon at UC Berkeley California created the term antioxidants. The theory is that free radicals damage cells, organs and could cause cancer. Consuming antioxidants stops this damage and therefore can provide tons and tons of advantages such as preventing cancer, wrinkles, making organs stronger and much more.
What makes astaxanthin unique is that some people feel that it's the most beneficial antioxidant. According to Dr. Mercola most antioxidants are not useful after they have transferred their free electrons to free radicals to stop them from doing damage. Astaxanthin has a huge supply of these electrons allowing it to be used for longer periods of time.
This reason alone makes consuming this substance a great choice, but lets go deeper in the rabbit hole and talk about where it comes from. Astaxanthin comes from a micro-algae that grows in the sea. When it's water supply dries up this creature needs protection from the UV rays and that is where this stuff comes in handy. It acts sort of like a force field from the sunlight, as well as from a lack of nutrients. Since this alge can use this stuff for protection from the sun we can to.
There was a study in 1998 at the University of Cork Ireland where researchers discovered that this carotenoid was 100 times stronger than beta-carotene and 1000 times stronger than lutein when it comes to UV protection. This not only prevents the skin, but also eye sight as well.
When it comes to diseases that are plaguing mankind heart disease is one of the deadliest. Not only is it the number one cause of death in the U.S. But in slows blood flow causing problems to organs that need it. There was a study in Japan with 61 individuals with elevated triglyceride levels that contribute to heart disease.
To sum everything up the 3 ways astaxanthin is helpful to someone is that it's a very powerful antioxidants, it protects the skin and eyes from UV damage and it helps the cardiovascular system.
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