It would be unlawful (by religion) for Turkish troops to fight ISIS

2014-10-16 3

Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated October  02th, 2014

- A mandate authorizing intervention and defense in the face of a security threat to Turkey has today passed through Parliament.

Adnan Oktar: May it be for the best.

We listened to a military anthem. Our troops are sensible. Our government is also very clever. The Turkish nation will never do anything irrational. For one thing, there will never be any fighting against ISIS because that would be unlawful. The mandate has no intention of war against the Syrian state. But a secure zone will be set up for people from Syria and Iraq who wish to save their lives. But if Syria behaves psychopathically, in such a way as to try and kill people in the safe zone, then it will be repulsed in a legal manner. If it says it will crush innocent people, then that is insanity. In that event NATO must become involved. NATO should now be on the alert. But I do not think that Syria would take any such crazy decision by itself. It would never to do anything so crazy without consulting Russia and China first. It would be better for it not to, or Syria will be history. Syria must leave innocent people alone to let them live freely. Of course it says I will kill women and children, that cannot be allowed. That would be insane, there is no other way of putting it. The safe zone will be set up on a small area, and Syria had better not interfere. Innocent people can live freely there. It is clear that such an initiative will be well-intentioned. Then once peace has been established that area can be returned to whoever it belongs to. We have no sights on anyone else’s territory. This is a measure that is always taken to protect the defenseless in time of war.

But they better not provoke Turkish troops and get them fighting against ISIS. That would be unlawful. It would be a good idea to meet with Putin to assess the situation. Our President has already done this.