This Little Known Nutritional Fact Can Change Your Life - Emily Rosen

2014-10-16 14

The field of toxicology is a fascinating science that's quite well articulated and whose job it is to understand the biology of what's poisonous to the human body.

If you were to get your PhD in the field of toxicology it might take you a good six years of study - and yet the entire field can essentially be summed up in five words: the dose makes the poison.

Essentially what this means is that there are plenty of substances, foods, natural chemicals, and man-made one, that impact the human body in both positive and negative ways.

In this very moment, we have hundreds and hundreds of toxins of the natural and synthetic variety quite literally circulating in our bloodstream and stored in our fat tissue.

In this fascinating video from IPEtv, Emily Rosen, Director of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating discusses this important principle from toxicology that can make a huge difference in your metabolic AND your emotional health.